Up to -10%
Du bist flexibel? Wir sind es auch.
Egal ob du 20 Stunden oder Fulltime bis ca. 50 Stunden arbeiten möchtest - wir können dir alles anbieten. Wir bieten Jobs für die Saison, für Wiederkehrer über mehrere Saisonen und natürlich Langzeitstellen.
Studierende aufgepasst:
Kurzzeitjobs für ein paar Wochen oder Monate ab Ende Jänner sind möglich.
Are you flexible? So are we.
It doesn't matter whether you want to work 20 hours or full-time up to 50 hours - we can offer you everything. We offer jobs for the season, for returnees over several seasons and of course long-term positions.
Students take note:
Short-term jobs for a few weeks or months from the end of January are possible.
Bei uns wirst du wunderbare Menschen
treffen, verschiedene Nationalitäten und Kulturen kennenlernen und
Freundschaften fürs Leben knüpfen.
Respekt, Teamplay und ein rücksichtsvolles Miteinander werden bei uns großgeschrieben.
With us you will meet wonderful people, get to know different nationalities and cultures and make friends for life.
Respect, team play and considerate cooperation are very important to us.
Wir erfüllen jedes Jahr
2 - 3 Mitarbeitern einen "Traum"
in Form von einer coolen Reise oder sonstigen Herzenwünschen.
Die Verlosung findet einmal in der Wintersaison und einmal in der Sommersaison statt.
Wir sind schon gespannt auf
deinen Traum. :)
Every year we fulfill a "dream"
for 2 - 3 employees in the form of a cool trip or other heart's desires.
The raffle takes place once in the winter and once in the summer season.
We are already looking forward to your dream. :)
Rundum versorgt.
Bei Bedarf steht für dich eine Unterkunft und Parkplatz zur Verfügung. Natürlich ist auch für Essen an deinen Arbeitstagen gesorgt.
All-round care.
If required, accommodation and parking are available for you. Of course, food is also provided on your working days.
Freue dich auf coole Teamevents!
Wie unsere legendäre Eröffnungsparty,
die ausgelassene Weihnachtsfeier,
die Shopparty oder das Abendessen bei einem unserer Partnerbetriebe
und das ultimative Sommerfest.
Look forward to cool team events!
Like our legendary opening party,
the exuberant Christmas party,
the shop party or dinner at one of our partner companies and the ultimate summer party.
Du hast bisher noch nicht in der Branche gearbeitet, bist aber trotzdem interessiert?
Solange Freundlichkeit, Spaß am Job, Einsatzbereitschaft und Good Vibes vorhanden sind, ist das kein Problem.
Wir bringen dir alles bei was du wissen musst.
Haven't worked in the industry before, but are still interested?
As long as there is friendliness, fun at work, commitment and good vibes, this is not a problem.
We'll teach you everything you need to know.
Wachse über dich hinaus!
Bei uns kannst du dich fachlich und persönlich weiterbilden und Erfahrungen fürs Lebens sammeln.
Grow beyond yourself!
With us you can continue your professional and personal training and gain experience for life.
The happiness of our employees is particularly important to us. That's why we raffle off 2 heartfelt wishes every year - because we know: Everyone has that one dream that brings a smile to their face.
Whether it's a trip you've always wanted to take, a special experience or another long-cherished wish - we want to support you in making this dream come true.
We are already looking forward to your dream :)
Samuel about his dream come true: “I wanted to travel to America because my uncle lives there in Lake Tahoe, California. I'd never been there before, so I flew over for 6 weeks in September and it was a real experience! I saw a lot and was able to meet the rest of my family from my mom's side for the first time. My favorite part was the Western City, where there are many gold mines where gold is mined from quartz. It was a great experience!”
We are delighted that we were able to fulfill Samuel's dream!
Anita on her dream come true: “What a pleasure to be able to work in a company where dreams come true! I am one of the lucky winners and thanks to Paul Pangratz, my dream trip to Pertisau on Lake Achensee for a painting course came true! It was simply wonderful and exceeded my expectations!”
We are delighted that we were able to fulfill Anita's dream!
Our Anita is delighted with her new garden paradise!
What luck - my dream came true ???? and we were allowed to fly to Edinburgh for the Military Tatoo! Goosebumps when the “Pipers” enter Edinburgh Castle - it was a very impressive show!??And so we were able to get to know the cool city and Scotland - definitely worth a trip!
I love to dream and when a dream comes true - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
In November 2023, our annual team workshop took place, and this time it was cinematic: the ISA Crew Film Festival! Four groups competed against each other, each with a different theme. Some fought as superheroes, others snuck through the streets as mafia members. Some rode off into the sunset as cowboys and cowgirls, while the latecomers were chased by zombies. Each group wrote a creative script and quickly produced a funny mini-film. In the evening, we celebrated the big premiere with a cozy dinner, laughed until we cried, and enjoyed a cheerful evening together.It was an unforgettable day full of fun and creativity. We’re already looking forward to next year!
Die Familie ist wieder beinander! Hier ein paar Eindrücke. Unsere Mitarbeiter mussten sich in Sachen Überwindung, Geschicklichkeit, Teamwork und vielen weiteren Eigenschaften beweisen und alle haben die Aufgaben großartig gemeistert - Als Team. :) Teamwork makes the dream work!
INFO: Die Covid Vorschriften wurden strengstens eingehalten.
44 Intersport Arlberg employees took part in a weekend full of ENERGY at the Jürgen Höller Power Days in Munich. Together with about 5,000 other people in Munich’s Olympic Hall, we received much input and information for our work. The amazing atmosphere and pure energy was contagious and we received plenty of advice and tipos from Jürgen and Mike, the trainers of the Jürgen Höller Academy. At the conclusion of the event, Dieter Bohlen provided some insights from his life. We returned motivated and impressed to our workplaces at Intersport Arlberg. As a result, all of our employees can profit from the know-how and energy that the Jürgen Höller Academy provides – and the same goes for you, our customers. Why? Because we’re ready to help you achieve even more power for your outdoor winter sports adventures!
Each year at our annual Outdoors Workshop our team prepares for the coming winter season. This year the action packed event’s focal point was on the traditional Scottish competition with the one of kind Arlberg mountain landscape as a backdrop. Markus Haslinger coordinated the activities for roughly 60 participants. Donning the appropriate outfits consisting of Scottish Kilts and plaid hats, we dove into the adventure where healthy doses of agility, strength, and, above all, team spirit were on full display.
The teams representing each of our shops faced off at 8 different stations. We rolled barrels, tossed tree trunks, and tested our strength with tug-of-war. A bagpipe player provided the fitting background music. But the competition was not the main point of the event. The primary purpose of the challenge is to allow the best team to grow together in anticipation of the coming winter season. Long-time and new employees alike quickly discovered one another’s complementary strengths in order to overcome the various challenges during a day of fun and action. Owing to our solidarity and family-oriented organizational culture, we’re able to offer our customers unbeatable service. We all enjoy what we do, which means that everyone profits. And of course we couldn’t let such an eventful day end without jovial finish - so we enjoyed the evening together with a Scottish themed party at Anthony’s.
More than 50 employees were on the starting line for this year's outdoor workshop. With a fun and lively afternoon, we got ourselves geared up for the winter season. Participants were required put their agility, endurance, courage on display at three stations, but the most important attributes were team spirit and teamwork. We competed against one another in sack races, for example, or we rappelled from dizzying heights from the arl.rock. tower. There was no lack of fun. And that's good. Fun is what we want. For our team and for you as the customer. For us because we do our work in a supportive atmosphere and with genuine joy. And for you as the customer because that's how you'll be able to enjoy our engaging service.
Our customer motto, "Put a smile on your face,” includes the idea that we don't just want to satisfy you, rather we want to inspire you with empathy, respect, and appreciation. We're always trying to think of new ways to make a smile appear on your face. If you give us a review of "Great service with a smile,“ we know that we're on the right path. On the eventful day of our outdoor work shop we certainly grew closer to each other and afterwards we enjoyed an Asian evening in the Skiing Buddha restaurant.
Skilled craftmanship and team spirit were required at the outdoor workshop on the Rodelalm. After a short welcome from workshop leaders, Markus Haslinger, Matthias Schröter and Ute Sorgenfreifrom Hutner Trainings AG,the teams got down to business and started building their soapboxes.
In randomly selected teams that threw together people from different shops and departments, it was all about developing the ability to work together and to coordinate with one another. The goal was not to build the best, prettiest, or fastest 'race pickle.' Rather it was about using one's own individual abilities to help the group works towards a common goal - similar to what our staff does everyday at work.
After the presentation of the finished soapbox sleds, they were, of course, tested in a "flood light race" before the eventful day was celebrated with a tasty dinner at the Rodelalm. The perfect way to get the new winter season off to a good start.