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When the mountains call, only answer after you have the right equipment. Functionality, the right clothing for the conditions, and solid shoes will help you reach your destination while remaining safe and dry. In our Hiking Department you'll fiund everything that you need for outdoor and mountain sports - including a wide selection of the best and latest functional clothing. Huge selection for every age group.
Every pro and hobby cyclist knows at first sight that a lot of craftmanship goes into making a good bike. And no wonder. There's more than 35 years of know-how in today's mountain bikes. Our coaches are happy to give you advice and tell you about the latest innovations in bike technology.
With a comfortable and perfectly fittinghiking shoe, you can reach lofty heights! Whether it's Garmont, Meindl, McKinley, Lowa or Millet - Intersport Arlberg offers the right shoe for all ability levels. Let our coaches advise you.
A fitness outif should be comfortable, and on top of that it should look good too. For an enjoyable workout session, we offer multi-functional fitness fashion from a variety of brand names. We also have an attractive assortment of swimwear.
We have athletic wear with style. It would be a shame to only wear it while working out because with our fashion collection you'll look great in many places. From Urban Style to straightforward athletic wear: We offer the newest styles and fashions from the top brand names in every season.
Have your bike optimized to your personal size and say goodbye to aches from bike tours. Our shop in St. Anton does a free sizing for every biker. The body imaging allows for an exact adjustment of the bike that helps eliminate many problems in the back, shoulders, and knees that arise from biking. Bike Sizing by rentals as well as purchases. We're focused on you!
With us you don't buy your bike in a bag, but without any risk. Test ride first and only buy if you are satisfied - that's our motto!
No matter how good the bike advice is, a test ride before you buy will show you whether the bike has your name on it. That's why you can test ride your dream bike first. If you're happy, so are we. If not, get on another saddle and test another one. When you buy a bike, there is no extra cost to you - test it for two days for free!!!
Alpine sports means mountains. Whoever stays in the valleys is missing out! In our sports shops throughout the Arlberg region we have the right equipment for outdoors girls mountain men in every age group. Functional outdoor clothing, athletic fashion, shoes and boots for all types of needs, ski clothes, bikes, and much more. Great brands, good prices, excellent advice - also about local hikes, tours, and adventures. We're happy to help you and wish you a memorable outdoor experience on the Arlberg.